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Minggu, 25 September 2016

Dara Rizqia's Unforgettable Moment

Hello everyone, now I'm gonna retell an unforgettable moment of Dara Rizqia. The story took place in Mecca, and Madinah.

    Dara was an acceleration student on her elementary school. So she graduated when she was a 5th grader at the elementary school. 3 days after the National Examination a.k.a "Ujian Nasional", she went umrah with her family. She went there with her parents, grandmother, and her cousins. First, they went to Jeddah by plane. And then they took a bus to Madinah, and checked in to the hotel and stayed there for 6 days. At Madinah, her grandmother said to Dara and her cousins that they shouldn't do mischievous things, because if they did, karma will instantly hit them.
    But maybe Dara forgot what her grandma said to her, when her cousin was inside the toilet, Dara locked him from outside and turned off the light, well that's a mischievous thing. After that, nothing happens. They took a bus again to Mecca. Dara and her family prayed at the Masjidil Haram. When Dara bow from her kneeling position, someone accidentaly sitted on her head. When she got up and bow again, someone accidentaly stepped on her head.
    So that was the karma her grandmother was trying to avoid. The mandate of this story is we have to listen to older people, especially from our family.

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