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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Erwin Rommel

Hello Everyone, welcome back to my blog.

So today i posted about a person's biography. Who is it? check it out.
Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1985-013-07, Erwin Rommel.jpg

         Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel "The Desert Fox" (born 15 November 1891 - October 14, 1944 died at the age of 52 years) was a commander of German troops in World War II era. British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, who was a sworn enemy of Germany, once openly salute this genius general in Parliament. At the end of his life when asked why he praised the enemy, Churchill said: "I do not regret praising Rommel".


Early life and career

       Rommel was born on 15 November 1891 in Southern Germany at Heidenheim, 45 kilometres (28 mi) from Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg, then part of the German Empire. He was the third of five children of Erwin Rommel Senior (1860–1913), a teacher and school administrator, and his wife Helene von Lutz, whose father headed the local government council. As a young man Rommel's father had been a lieutenant in the artillery. Rommel had one older sister, an art teacher who was his favorite sibling, one older brother named Manfred who died in infancy and two younger brothers, of whom one became a successful dentist and the other an opera singer.

        At age 18 Rommel joined the local 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment as a Fähnrich (ensign), in 1910, studying at the Officer Cadet School in Danzig. He graduated in November 1911 and was commissioned as a lieutenant in January 1912 and was assigned to the 124th Infantry in Weingarten. He was posted to Ulm in March 1914 to the 46th Field Artillery Regiment, XIII (Royal Württemberg) Corps, as a battery commander. He returned to the 124th when war was declared.] While at Cadet School, Rommel met his future wife, 17-year-old Lucia (Lucie) Maria Mollin (1894–1971). They married in November 1916 in Danzig.

North Africa (1941-1943)

As a reward, Rommel was promoted to general and commander of the second division of the German Army of the Division Lightweight 5th (later reorganized and redesigned as a Panzer Division 21) and Panzer Division-15, which was sent to Libya in early 1941 to help Italian troops who suffered a major defeat in the North African front. His army is the forerunner to the establishment of the Deutsches Afrika Korps. The new troops successfully repulsed the 8th British Army (British 8th Army) out of Tobruk in Libya. Troops continue surging into Egypt but successfully broken in 'Alamain. As soon as US troops landed in Morocco and Algeria, troops withdrawn to leave Tunisia. Their work in the field of battle in the deserts of North Africa that earned him the nickname "Desert Fox" ( "The Desert Fox")
Genius in war tactics of infantry, supported by the German Panzers technological sophistication and discipline to make the German army high superior. Unfortunately, this success was not too taken seriously from Reichführer Hitler. Lack of supply logistics, ammunition and fuel due to Hitler's attention to the Russian front and invaded England as well as their efforts to blockade the British Navy in the Mediterranean caused Afrika Korps troops are not able to continue the battle and continues to defeat

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